

Empowerment Course 1 – Outline
25th June – 30th July 2014 – 6xWednesdays 8-9.30pm

This six-week workshop is designed to enable you to empower yourselves more quickly and to discover qualities you have perhaps never believed are part of you, as well as tuning ongoing improvements and goal realization. It is suitable for beginners and participants of earlier courses who wish to expand their opportunities / refresh on different aspects of personal growth.

It will help you become a value creator for yourselves and environment, i.e. a win-win situation for everyone! You will be given the opportunity to shake off bad habits, get more motivated and become more courageous in many areas of your life and will see doors opening up to new possibilities as a result.

Every session will begin with approx. half an hour of meditation (you will learn different meditation techniques) and sometimes a short visualization. Afterwards we will focus upon different themes and allow sufficient time for discussion. The course outline below may be adapted somewhat according to group dynamics and individual requirements. I want it to be as interactive as possible and am open to your feedback as we go along.

People are encouraged to share experiences and goals but only when they are ready to do so.

25th June
Value creation, consciousness and untapped potential
Visions 1.
Sharing visions, big or small
Rough plan of action for the course and beyond

2nd July
Visions 2.
Goal-Setting: short, mid and long-term. Prioritizing
– Achieving focus. Being present. The goal is the path
Visualization techniques

(2 weeks break – Easter holiday)

9th July
Visions 3.
Law of Attraction
Follow-up actions
Being–> Doing–> Having
16th July
– determination + fighting spirit
– sharing experiences

23rd July
Relationship Skills
– compassion and wisdom.
– co-creation.
– one spirit, different bodies
– seeking the potential in others.
– understanding character-types
Dialogue with your environment, human + nature.

30th. July
Health and nutrition for life
(affects your mind and body, thus your achievements, as well as your environment)
– overview of nutrition and myths
– bio rhythm
– spirit, body + mind interactions
Review / Feedback

Please be punctual, we will start the meditation promptly!


Cost per participant €240 for BUSINESS-related persons (€40 per person per 90 Min. session).

Max. 8 participants

Min. 4 participants

Please transfer to following account (or last minute additions please bring cash to the 1st course session):

Matthew Checker
IBAN   DE58700100800063939802
BIC   PBNKDEFF (Postbank, München)

Please note that any lessons missed or cancelled by participants will not be refunded. If I have to cancel, the missed lesson(s) will be refunded or (if agreed by participants) alternative replacement date(s) will be arranged.

in Verwendungszweck (Reference) please enter Workshop 2

Matthew Checker
Dall’Armistr. 57
80638m München









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