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Buy FULL-length version HIGH quality – 320 kbs here! (length 5m:40s)
© 2006 Matthew Checker
Warming warming
Greatest ever warning
Heed the signs
It’s nigh, new times have dawned
Curse or chance
To choose our transformation
Choose the light
The inner revolution
Temptation the worst generation
While the mass must feed on dust
Push to get rich shove the others in the ditch
Never gave us peace of mind
Changing the system’s nothing but illusion
Like changing the name of greed
Wake up time let’s get alive, get a life
Somewhere in hearts of Humankind
Don’t be afraid to love yourself and others
Racing through the clouds and skies
Our visions can fly past eternity
Life means in the here and now
Together we can’t fall
Warming warming…..
Jump on the train with the name Free Will
Where hope is the final call
Come rain come shine you can never tell
But connected we can't fall
Should life be big, should life be small?
The question stares from the palms of our hands
Feel the wheels of life to feel alive
Somewhere in hearts of Humankind
Don’t be afraid to love yourself and others
Racing through the clouds and skies
Our visions can fly past eternity
Life means in the here and now
Together we can’t fall
Somewhere in hearts of Humankind
Don’t be afraid to follow all your dreams
Racing through the clouds and skies
Shoot into space our visions past eternity
Life means in the here and now
Together we can’t fall
Warming warming……
Wake up time let’s get alive, get a life rpt.
Happiness is a decision. The darkest moments can be followed by the greatest positive transformations if we keep our fighting spirit alive.
This was a very long-winded song in terms of production time. I tried to perfect every detail, but oh my god, I got it done finally with a smile on my face. It actually arose out of 2 or 3 quite different ideas that moved on.