Location: a centrally accessible room either in Nymphenburg or Neuhausen – details will be sent on enquiry.
Language: German or English depending on participants
Thurs 3rd Oct. 2013 – 8-9.30pm
After a short stretching exercise we will do a progressive relaxation and body-awareness method, then a silent (but guided) meditation with the question: “Who am I?”
Study themes –
What is “enlightenment”
Priorities in life – ramifications
10€ per person
Please register first via email to secure a place. Please only register if you are sure you are coming, to avoid preventing others with genuine interest from attending. I will confirm your reservation! Thanks!
Thurs 10th Oct – 8-9.30pm
After a short stretching exercise we will do a progressive relaxation and body-awareness method, then a silent (but guided) meditation with a visualization exercise on gratitude and connectedness
Study themes –
Using courage to overcome problems and develop into a stronger person
Visualization: introduction to techniques
10€ per person
Please register first via email to secure a place. Please only register if you are sure you are coming, to avoid preventing others with genuine interest from attending. I will confirm your reservation! Thanks!
Thurs 17th Oct – 8-9.30pm
After a short stretching exercise we will do a progressive relaxation and body-awareness method, then a silent (but guided) meditation with a visualization exercise on gratitude and connectedness
Study themes –
Using courage to overcome problems and develop into a stronger person
Visualization: introduction to techniques
10€ per person
Please register first via email to secure a place. Please only register if you are sure you are coming, to avoid preventing others with genuine interest from attending. I will confirm your reservation! Thanks!
Wed. 23rd Oct – 8-9.30pm
After a short stretching exercise we will do an energizing meditation with a mantra
Study themes –
Determination (“fighting spirit”) and letting go: 2 methods that form the basis for 2 schools of Buddhism may seem to be at odds. However, they are not and this is commonly misunderstood. How to achieve balance.
Cause and Effect: how to tune into patterns in life to make more sense of it.
10€ per person
Please register first via email to secure a place. Please only register if you are sure you are coming, to avoid preventing others with genuine interest from attending. I will confirm your reservation! Thanks!
Thurs. 24th Oct – 8-9.30pm
An open meditation / visualization to anyone who wants to send healing to the Earth (and themselves at the same time – it’s automatic!).
I was inspired by the Earth Aid Project
Free of charge!
There will be no formal instruction but we can exchange inspiration at the end.
Thurs. 31st Oct – 8-9.30pm
After a short stretching exercise we will do a meditation with a mantra
Study themes and exercise
Oneness and Individuality
Visualization – personal and mutual application – creating a field of healing for the self and others.
10€ per person
Please register first via email to secure a place. Please only register if you are sure you are coming, to avoid preventing others with genuine interest from attending (i.e. later if necessary). I will confirm your reservation! Thanks!
Wed. 6th Nov. – 8-9.30pm
After a short stretching exercise we will do a meditation with a mantra
Study theme and visualization exercise
Choosing to forgive and the act of forgiving ourselves and others is core to our well-being and happiness. We generally first need to identify what it is we need to forgive before it can become an all-encompassing action.
This process can mean a huge release of blockages and is always healing.
10€ per person
Please register first via email to secure a place. Please only register if you are sure you are coming, to avoid preventing others with genuine interest from attending (i.e. later if necessary). I will confirm your reservation! Thanks!
Wed. 13th Nov. – 8-9.30pm
After a short stretching exercise we will do a meditation with a mantra
Study themes
Changing our belief system from victim to creator
100% application and proof
We will examine some falshoods that result from our cultural upbringing and dominating world paradigm and learn tools to reconstruct beliefs and attitudes in accordance with our inner desire for empowerment.
10€ per person
Please register first via email to secure a place. Please only register if you are sure you are coming, to avoid preventing others with genuine interest from attending (i.e. later if necessary). I will confirm your reservation! Thanks!
Wed. 20th Nov. – 8-9.30pm
After a short stretching exercise we will do a meditation with a mantra
Study themes
With every thought, action and word, we manifest. How can we manifest consciously the things we desire, and why doesn’t it seem to work sometimes?
We will discuss the Law of attraction, some different tools for application, as well as misunderstandings and falsehoods portrayed by the film “the secret” and and the like.
10€ per person
Please register first via email to secure a place. Please only register if you are sure you are coming, to avoid preventing others with genuine interest from attending (i.e. later if necessary). I will confirm your reservation! Thanks!
Wed.. 27th Nov. – 8-9.30pm
After a short stretching exercise we will do a meditation with a mantra
Study themes
Gurus – ” Master-disciple” relationship
Do we need a master, several masters or none?
What are the roles of master and pupil?
Identifying worship and empowerment tendencies.
10€ per person
Please register first via email to secure a place. Please only register if you are sure you are coming, to avoid preventing others with genuine interest from attending (i.e. later if necessary). I will confirm your reservation! Thanks!
Wed.4th Dec. – 8-9.30pm
After a short stretching exercise we will do a progressive relaxation and body-awareness method, then a silent (but guided) meditation.
Study themes –
Using courage to overcome problems and develop into a stronger person
Visualization: introduction to techniques
10€ per person
Please register first via email to secure a place. Please only register if you are sure you are coming, to avoid preventing others with genuine interest from attending. I will confirm your reservation! Thanks!
Wed. 11th Dec. – 8-9.30pm
After a short stretching exercise we will do a progressive relaxation and body-awareness method, then a silent (but guided) meditation.
Study themes
With every thought, action and word, we manifest. How can we manifest consciously the things we desire, and why doesn’t it seem to work sometimes?
We will discuss the Law of attraction, some different tools for application, as well as misunderstandings and falsehoods portrayed by the film “the secret” and and the like.
10€ per person
Please register first via email to secure a place. Please only register if you are sure you are coming, to avoid preventing others with genuine interest from attending (i.e. later if necessary). I will confirm your reservation! Thanks!
Wed.. 18th Dec. – 8-9.30pm
After a short stretching exercise we will do a progressive relaxation and body-awareness method, then a silent (but guided) meditation.
Changing our belief system from victim to creator
100% application and proof
We will examine some falshoods that result from our cultural upbringing and dominating world paradigm and learn tools to reconstruct beliefs and attitudes in accordance with our inner desire for empowerment.
10€ per person
Please register first via email to secure a place. Please only register if you are sure you are coming, to avoid preventing others with genuine interest from attending (i.e. later if necessary). I will confirm your reservation! Thanks!
Hello Matt,
Just checked out your website… look interesting! Hmmm… would love to join one time. Tonight I am meeting friends at the InterNations Event! Can you put me on your mailer or I'll just keep an eye on the different sites you post through Internations!
Always room for growth! Thanks so much for sharing and I am sure it will work one of these days!
Have a good time tonight!