Animal Husbandry: Reality Check

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“Bei anderen Nutztieren zeigt sich ein Ă€hnliches Bild: Bis zu 39 Prozent aller MilchkĂŒhe leiden an schmerzhaften Erkrankungen der Klauen. Bei jeder zweiten Milchkuh in einem Bio-Stall wurden EuterentzĂŒndungen festgestellt. Bis zu 97 Prozent aller Legehennen weisen KnochenbrĂŒche auf – in KĂ€fighaltung ebenso wie in der Bio-Haltung. ”

English translation:

Organic animals also get sick en masse.

“A similar picture emerges for other livestock: up to 39 percent of all dairy cows suffer from painful hoof diseases. Inflammation of the udder was found in every second dairy cow in an organic barn. Up to 97 percent of all laying hens have broken bones – in cages as well as in organic farming.

Eggs, milk and meat from these sick animals still end up in supermarkets in large numbers, without consumers being aware of this.”

“Keel bone fractures (KBF) in commercial poultry production systems are a major welfare problem with possible economic consequences for the poultry industry. Recent investigations suggest that the overall situation may be worsening. Depending on the housing system, fracture prevalences exceeding 80% have been reported from different countries. ”


FSA: 4,000 major breaches of animal welfare laws at UK abattoirs in two years

Pigs and chickens were boiled alive at slaughterhouses, animal welfare report reveals


whistleblower on slaughterhouse regulations

“data reveals more than a quarter of slaughterhouses – 29% – have failed a key hygiene regulation around preventing contamination. Some of the plants are run by companies which supply big brands including M&S, Asda, McDonalds and Waitrose among others.”

“in 2016 more than 30 abattoirs refused to let FSA vets see film of animals being killed, according to an investigation by The Times

“”The general public need to know that inspectors and vets are dealing with physical and verbal abuse, damage to property


hidden abuse of animals

“The overall impression given is of routine poor practice in premises barely fit for purpose.”

Alick Simmons, Former Deputy Cheif Veterinary Officer

“they die, piece by piece”

“primary sense-organ clipped at day old”

“Slaughterhouse pigs choke on gas meant to stun them”

Highways to Hell


Vets: abuse of, pressure to remain silent

“An industry source told the Bureau there was “plenty of day-to-day abuse that is just accepted as part of the culture and environment.”


Factory farm vets:

“They have become servants of the industrial farming machine, they are the technicians that are called in to fix things before they break down, to patch things up and keep the system going.

Their job is to keep animals healthy for long enough to be productive. They cannot afford to upset their clients by accusing them of institutional cruelty – to do so would be professional suicide. The system remains self-reinforcing.”


“Nach einer Anzeige der Soko Tierschutz ist der Betrieb durch die Kontrollbehörden sofort geschlossen worden. Umweltminister Glauber spricht von “schockierenden Bildern” und fordert “hartes und konsequentes Eingreifen”

EU-Subventionen an verurteilte TierquÀler/innen

“Der aufrĂŒttelnde Film zeigte nicht nur mit dem Finger auf ein paar schwarze Schafe, sondern die AuswĂŒchse komplexer globaler Fehlentwicklungen, die vermutlich nicht mehr so einfach zu stoppen sind und mit uns allen als Gesellschaft, aber fraglos auch mit jedem einzelnen Konsumenten zu tun haben.” – MSN

Skandal auf Schlachthof: Ärzte quĂ€lten Rinder mit Elektroschocks

„Hunderte Verfahren eingestellt“ (von Behörde)!5898923/


Kleine Schlachthöfe: 44 % FehlbetÀubungen


9%+  Fehlbeteubung in Deutschland


“40 Prozent der Tiere wachen beim Zerlegen auf”


Tötung ĂŒberzĂ€hliger Puten zeigt kaputtes System auf

Ministerium stoppte Zwangsgeld

“Das ist eine riesengroße Sauerei. Der Minister hat sein Amt schamlos missbraucht und damit die Fortsetzung der TierquĂ€lerei ermöglicht”

Eine Qual – mit amtlicher Genehmigung

Eier – KĂŒkentöten

“Wer selbst beim Einkauf darauf achten möchte, Eier ohne KĂŒkentötung zu kaufen, kann sich bei deutschen Eiern trotz Verbots hierzulande nicht sicher sein. “



“Animal Equality’s investigators have witnessed on countless occasions cows who are unable to walk or stand,” Lockie states. “We have filmed workers forcing lame cows to walk, and hitting them with shovels when they could not. We have documented farms refusing to euthanize sick cows who are in agonizing pain, leaving them to suffer overnight.”

Lameness refers to an inability to use limbs. Cows who suffer are unable to walk properly, and often cannot stand up. Many develop the condition after being forced to stand on hard surfaces for long periods of time while being milked. Lameness also occurs due to injury, ineffective hoof trimming, or infectious disease.

It is thought that around 30 percent of cows used in the dairy industry suffer from the condition.

New ExposĂ© Shines Light On Lameness ‘Epidemic’ Among Dairy Cows


Impact of genetic selection for high yields of milk

“Dairy cows may continue to be economically productive for many lactation cycles. In theory a longevity of 10 lactations is possible. The chances of problems arising which may lead to a cow being culled are high, however; the average herd life of US Holstein is today fewer than 3 lactations. This requires more herd replacements to be reared or purchased. Over 90% of all cows are slaughtered for 4 main reasons:

  • Infertility – failure to conceive and reduced milk production.
Cows are at their most fertile between 60 and 80 days after calving. Cows remaining “open” (not with calf) after this period become increasingly difficult to breed, which may be due to poor health. Failure to expel the afterbirth from a previous pregnancy, luteal cysts, or metritis, an infection of the uterus, are common causes of infertility.
  • Mastitis – a persistent and potentially fatal mammary gland infection, leading to high somatic cell counts and loss of production.
Mastitis is recognized by a reddening and swelling of the infected quarter of the udder and the presence of whitish clots or pus in the milk. Treatment is possible with long-acting antibiotics but milk from such cows is not marketable until drug residues have left the cow’s system, also called withdrawal period.
  • Lameness – persistent foot infection or leg problems causing infertility and loss of production.
High feed levels of highly digestible carbohydrate cause acidic conditions in the cow’s rumen. This leads to laminitis and subsequent lameness, leaving the cow vulnerable to other foot infections and problems which may be exacerbated by standing in faeces or water soaked areas.
  • Production – some animals fail to produce economic levels of milk to justify their feed costs.
Production below 12 to 15 L of milk per day is not economically viable.[citation needed]

Cow longevity is strongly correlated with production levels.[25] Lower production cows live longer than high production cows, but may be less profitable. Cows no longer wanted for milk production are sent to slaughter. Their meat is of relatively low value and is generally used for processed meat. Another factor affecting milk production is the stress the cow is faced with.


Use of flame to burn udder hair

What Are Welfare Standards Really Like For UK Dairy Cows?


The “enormous” lack of information is “going to translate into extreme suffering for individual animals”, said report co-author Becca Franks, a research scientist at New York University.
The report, published in the journal Science Advances, found that a failure to provide the right environment and to handle aquatic animals correctly can lead to birth defects, restricted mobility, aggressive behaviour and extreme pain during slaughter.

Conditions for workers in slaughterhouses

“Largest outbreak in Canada”  (….”In the U.S., rates of coronavirus infection are 75 per cent higher in rural counties housing large beef, pork and poultry-processing plants”)

Outbreak in German slaughterhouses

1500+ infected


exploitation of workers at Tönnies (site of major Corona outbreak)



Rund 300 Mitarbeiter positiv Heftiger Corona-Ausbruch in Schlachthof

“American slaughterhouse workers are three times more likely to suffer serious injury than the average American worker.”

“Working at slaughterhouses often leads to a high amount of psychological trauma”

“in the UK 78 slaughter workers lost fingers, parts of fingers or limbs, more than 800 workers had serious injuries, and at least 4,500 had to take more than three days off after accidents.[29] In a 2018 study in the Italian Journal of Food Safety, slaughterhouse workers are instructed to wear ear protectors to protect their hearing from the constant screams of animals being killed.[30] A 2004 study in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine found that “excess risks were observed for mortality from all causes, all cancers, and lung cancer” in workers employed in the New Zealand meat processing industry.[31]


Trauma, psychosis, intense shock amongst slaughterhouse workers

“Two abattoir workers tortured two acquaintances to death before mutilating them in a “gruesome echo” of their butchery work, a court has heard. ”,stress%20(Kristensen%2C%201991).

A Call to Action: Psychological Harm in Slaughterhouse Workers


“Die deutsche Agrarlobby: verfilzt, intransparent und wenig am Gemeinwohl orientiert”


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